Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Proverbs 31:10

 An excellent wife who can find?
    She is far more precious than jewels. Provers 31:10

I've been busy. Dreaming up some yummy desserts. I will share recipes soon I promise. As for my post on 31 days of Gods dream for me, I can't think of a whole lot to say today. I wish I could. Sometimes life isn't everything you thought it would be. Sometimes it's OK to be honest and let everyone know you don't have it all figured out. And that's me today. Admitting I don't have this all figured out. I don't know what God is going to do in my life. I don't know some of the plans He has for me just yet. And that's OK. Right now, I am trying to focus on what He has already done and doing my best at it. Being an excellent wife..
That's what I have really been working on lately. And I have to be honest, I feel as though I fail, a lot. My husband is great. He loves me and never misses an opportunity to let me know just how much. I know my insecurities come from myself and not him and I am so grateful for that. 

But somedays, I wonder, why I am so selfish?

 Why can't I stop complaining?  What are you bitter at heart? I've asked God for help a million times. I know I am not capable of changing it on my own because I have tried, and failed. I know He is working in me but my impatience expects it to all go away over-night.

 My fears, they suck. I don't want to be the wife who complains instead of encourages or the wife who chooses me, me, me over others. So because of this I'll ignore those fears, knowing they aren't from the Lord, but instead trust Him to make sure I wont become that wife but instead one of honor and wisdom, one that my husband brags about :)

 I will choose everyday to commit my ways to Him.

 I will pray that He make me the wife He created me to be. Hard or not. Knowing I am imperfect but trusting in Him to change me anyways. So for the rest of the posts I do on God's dream for me, I will share a verse with you. I may not be able to write every day, but I will lean on Him everyday. Praying that He does what He see's best in my life. Praying that He teaches me to be the wife who is worth far more than any jewel. 

With Love,

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