Friday, July 31, 2015

Nursing the Babe + a Giveaway!

Before Elle was born the one thing I wanted more than anything was to be able to breastfeed her. After a pretty traumatic start of bringing her into this world, I was bound and determined to breastfeed. When Nathan brought her to me in recovery, we tried right away and she latched on perfectly. I was so thankful for this as it was a huge answer to prayer.
E and I went through lots & lots of stuff nursing, including sicknesses and major latch issues, but we powered through and now I don't see us stopping any time soon. I remember when she was tiny and we had to leave the house, I was terrified of nursing her in public. I would always be so frustrated with the many nursing covers I tried because they were either too short & Elle could kick it off in a matter of seconds, or I couldn't see her well enough to insure a good latch. I avoided going anywhere if I knew she would need to eat, which let's face it, is always, when they're newborns. However, I knew I couldn't avoid it forever but it never did get easier until she got older. Honestly, if I would have had a better cover, I wouldn't have been so nervous that my goods were gonna be shown to the world and I would have had more confidence that I could get her to latch well because I would be able to SEE her. Because of our latch issues, if I didn't get her to latch right, I would be in excruciating pain later & it just wasn't worth it.  Plus.. let's be honest, most nursing covers are ugly. They have weird patterns and odd colors. Basically, I didn't know any better and wish I had. 
Fast forward a full YEAR of just dealing with those horrible nursing covers. I can't believe I waited that long to find something I love considering how much of my day is taken up by nursing, but I am so happy to say I finally found one that exceeded all my expectations. I love SO many things about my new cover.
It's so soft. It feels like a light blanket and not something heavy I have to add to my clothing. 
I don't have to wear a bra under a tank under a shirt. In the middle of summer in the dessert, I am so thankful for this. I can just dress in ONE normal shirt and use this to cover up. I can also just wear this AS part of my outfit because its adorable. 
It's cute. I no longer feel like I have to pull out my ugly, weird patterned nursing cover and feel slightly embarrassed that it seems I have no fashion sense at all.
I can SEE my daughter but people can't see my stuff. Its super long in the front and back and since she is much more active now and has yet to kick it off of me, I'd say that's a win. 
I can use it for other things like a blanket for Elle or a carseat cover in Elle's big seat OR a newborn one. (Can't WAIT to use it for this when we have another tiny baby!)
They make GREAT gifts. Before I even had one, I grabbed one for a sweet friend of mine who also loves it. 
Just today I was out and about & needed to nurse Elle. We were playing peek-a-boo under the cover & she thought that was hilarious. In the past I would have NEVER messed with the cover once it was on because I wouldn't want to take the chance of being exposed. I cannot say enough about this cover. I am so so happy with it and would recommend it to any of my nursing mama friends! Luckily,  one of you has the chance to WIN one. Head on over to my Instagram to enter the giveaway! & if you can't wait, enter the code JMN15OFF for 15% off any nursing cover! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Our Family- Short update. + I'm back. +New blog.

It feels good to be typing again. I've been "gone" for so long, I feel like I have so much to say.
Motherhood has ROCKED my world. Nothing quite like adjusting to becoming a mommy for the first time. So many, "am I doing this right?" questions & figuring out who you are in the process.
Elle is the cutest, sweetest, most squishest babe.
  Two days ago, she turned ONE. 
My tiny, 7 pound baby is now a ONE YEAR old. She's not even considered a baby anymore. 
I do not know how to handle this news. I am avoiding dealing. 
How can this be? I can't even believe I am typing that. I remember when we first found out we were going to have a baby. How at the end of my pregnancy, time seemed to drag on. And how the first few months of her life I was doing everything I could to just survive. 
Now, she's just a part of me. She goes everywhere with me & loves her momma fiercely. Weird/Cool how you just adapt. How you just become a mom. How it is so much of who you are. 
Nathan says I like the "fun things" of being a mommy. Basically everything that includes Elle and nothing that includes housework. I'm not sure I see a problem with that. He might disagree. What does he know? ;)
Our marriage has changed a lot. I get that question a lot too. Yes, yes things change. But they aren't all bad. Adjusting to a baby after almost 6 years of only being married was no easy feat. We're officially a year into this and things are just starting to become normal. We have fallen into somewhat of a routine although neither of us are the routine type, so I use that term lightly. 
We've done a lot of growing & changing & figuring out how to adjust. and thats OK. and that's GOOD. 
I would be lying if I said there weren't a couple occasions I texted a dear friend stating "everything is falling apart." But they never did. And things worked out like they always do. 
After trusting God for a baby and working out with Him that this was HIS plan, you can imagine my surprise when things weren't always perfect. I thought I had some right or something. Some right to say Hey, Lord, um you asked me to give up control here so.. um.. yeah. Why is this still hard? Why am I experiencing fear so intensely again? Isn't this what you wanted? And I know it was. So why this? Why is it hard?
It's been months & months of learning I need to trust God. All over again. It's been hard & often times I have felt so alone trying to figure this out. The one thing I have always let creep in.. that I am alone in all of this. That there is no one that experiences the same things I do. (which I know is a lie.. hello, 1 Corinthians 10:13) but it gets easier with easy passing day. With each truth I declare to believe. 
New favorite verse? God is within her, she will not fail. Psalm 46:5
Camp has come and gone this year and it was real special. The best we have experienced yet. We have an amazing set of leaders right now. They truly are our "dream team." I've seen them get to change lives and that's been the coolest. 
Our young adults group is getting to the good stuff and we're all agreeing the current study is just what we were all needing. We seem to grow every week & I love the time we get with each other.
Been busy making new friends & loving on friends in need. That is my heartbeat. 
We've experienced some hard news with family and also have seen God do great things.
We've been learning lots about community and praying hard for our friends. 
We took family pictures recently that I can't wait to share soon. 
We've been dreaming of the future and praying about BIG things.
We leave for vacation in 42 days. 
I have mastered the "mom bun." it's super easy you guys.. just don't wash your hair for 5 days and spray a ton of dry shampoo in. Simple. 

Hope you love the new blog, I do. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Elle's Nursery

In honor of Elle turning ONE (I'm crying) this month.. I figured it was about time I shared her nursery with you all. better late than never?

Honestly, it did't take me long to decide what we were going to do with her room. It went like this:
Me: Hey babe, here is what I found and want you to do with E's room (showing him my Pinterest pin)
Babe: Alright. 
See, done.

I decided on adding the blue for a pop of color and we went from there. 

We LOVE the hutch we found. Really neat, my sister had the exact same one for her girls when they were small & I really wanted it but she had sold it years ago (I guess she was getting pretty impatient thinking we weren't having kids, wink.) Anyways, we were visiting our home town one weekend and found this gem at a consignment store. I could not believe it! Even better? It was a STEAL. 

We had to get creative with the gold triangles on the wall because we really wanted the gold metallic look, not yellow. N's mom suggested the craft paint that comes in a tube (genius!) and it worked like a charm! 

Her crib we got from Pottery Barn, for FREE. Long story short, we were given one (thanks sis!) that had a broken piece. Upon calling them, we learned they don't give new pieces.. they give new cribs..for free. score. Best customer service EVER.  

Everything blue you see (chair, rug, monogram E)- Pottery Barn. (also free, thanks to some gift cards we received from work)
'Baby Things' basket- Michaels (Thanks Sally!)
Rocking chair (Gifted from my sister)
Curtains (Target)
Painted wall letters (Gifted from Nathan's sister)
'Elle' frame (gifted from our amazing friend Tiffany)
Sheets (my mom made these + 2 more sets!)
Tassel (made by our amazing friend April)
Peters the Deer (Amazon)
Owl (Kohls) 
Hamper (Baby's R us, gift from Kelly!)
Photos by the amazingly talented Amy Leah 

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