Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why Youth.

It was a youth night again. It felt like that 5th time that week my, then boyfriend, Nathan, was at the church. "Why are you always gone... We never hang out.. I'm
starting to get tired of never seeing you.."
I was constantly questioning his desire to be there all the time and not with me. At the time, I could only attribute it to him not thinking I was as great as I thought he was. 
So I decided to do what any girfriend, desperate for his attention, would do..
 I showed up at all the youth nights.
 I wanted to know what was so great that was keeping him from wanting to spend every waking moment with me. I was hot stuff people, there was nothing better that he should be doing. I wish I was joking but it's clear to me now, I thought very highly of myself, expecting attention from him whenever I wanted it. 

At the time, I was in college and wasn't really moving toward any goal. I hadn't choosen a major but had a small desire to teach Jr. High or high school students but no idea why. 

When I got there, I watched as he interacted with students, taught them the gospel, and built relationships. So I jumped right in and began to do the same.
Because I wanted to be around him.
I wanted to  see what it was that kept him there.
& then something amazing happened. 
& I was no longer there just because Nathan was.
That was just an added bonus.
 I wasn't planning on falling in love with these students, caring about the choices they made, and who they would become, but I did. 

And for the first time, I had a deep sense of direction. A purpose that only God could place deep in my heart long before I even knew why it was there. 


  1. i'm loving this already! i have a big appreciation for the youth ministers at our church. the way the world is for teens anymore just scares the daylights out of me.. it gives me hope to see people rising up to serve them and their tender and impressionable hearts!


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