Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentine's Day Gift

So.. My husband is pretty great. I even have a post saved that's all about him. I just keep adding to it though, so I haven't yet hit the publish button. However, I wanted to share with you something really sweet he recently did for me.

Keep in mind, it's really hard to surprise me. We are together 24-7, literally because of work & of course we just love each other so much ;) But if he ever wants to get me anything or do anything for me, he usually sends me shopping so he can be alone.

This weekend he was all excited because he said he "made" me something (while I was sleeping & he was up at 4am.) I kept begging him to let me have it because I hate waiting for surprises but he said I couldn't. I whined for a little while but soon forgot about it.

Sunday morning rolls around and we are texting.. yes, when he is down stairs and I am up stairs, in our warm, soft, bed.. I find it more convenient to just send him a quick text . Plus by that time he's already been awake for hours. Anyways, he says, "I got your gift. I found it this morning outside." So of course I proceeded to beg ask calmly that he give it to me now. This is how that went down:

There was nothing after this because that was enough to get me to jump out of bed to go get my gift :)

Here's what I found..

They are little mini "business" cards for my blog! Isn't that the cutest thing EVER? I mean, he even got Scrappy on there (the name he gave my owl.) I would have never thought of this on my own. I love my little blog, but I didn't think I was cool enough for business cards but my sweet husband really believes in me and wanted to make sure I had something to give to people so they could read my blog too! :) He really is my biggest fan & I couldn't feel more loved! Oh & look at me getting all fancy with my pictures & using my nice camera, you're welcome ;)

Happy Valentines Day Friends! Be sure to check in and link up tomorrow for #14daysofvalentines!


  1. That is such a great idea he had! Adorable!

  2. umm way to go Nathan! Way to be thoughtful and creative. He's a doll..
    and YESS look at you using that camera.. YOU GO!

  3. thats so awesome! what a great idea. so great to talk to you tonight. <3 I am your newest follower :)

  4. That really is such a sweet and thoughtful gift!

  5. "YAY!" is right--super v-day gift. I love the cupcakes!

  6. !!!!!!!! So cute!!!!!! I love them, Jess! They're so you, too! :)


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