Friday, February 15, 2013

14 Days of Valentine's {Week 2}


Hi friends :) I hope you all had a great Valentine's day yesterday! I am excited to share this past weeks Valentine's with you! Wanna know what this is all about? Check out week one's post here & here.

Day 8- We had a date night, grabbed some food where he wanted & he got something for his jeep.

Day 9- We had a service project that lasted through the afternoon but after we came and just hung out all night. We seriously just watched a fav show while he was in and out working on his jeep. Something he really loves to do. Later we grabbed him some coffee & me some Rita's ice.

Day 10-Made his coffee for him in the morning & we grabbed lunch where he wanted to.. Mcdonald's haha :) I also cleaned the Kitchen and vacuumed so we would be prepared for youth that night. 

Day 11- Left him a coupon somewhere hidden. I left it in his iPad cover.. we had small group this night and I was concerned a high schooler would find it ;-) I also vacuumed the whole upstairs. Trust me, this is a big deal to him!

Day 12- I went all out today for some reason.. In the morning we grabbed coffee at his new fav. place, Dutch Bros. He loves their 6 espresso shot ER-911. Weirdo. I baked cookies.. Oatmeal Raisin (it's what he wanted.) I made a scrumptious dinner & cleaned our house. Also, while he was at staff meeting I ran to Starbucks & got him another coffee drink & surprised him with it while he was in his meeting. 

Day 13-Nathan used his coupon for a night in with just me and him & some Jesus talk. I made a pizza and set our table & we spent a long time just talking about what the Lord has been personally doing in each of our lives.

 Day 14- Nathan actually wouldn't let me do much today. By now he had caught onto what I had been doing & said Valentine's day was for me. But don't be fooled, I had a couple tricks up my sleeve. I dressed all fancy for our night in. He had bought me a beautiful dress when we were dating that I had worn to the Phoenix Symphony one year. I haven't worn it since because it's a little too revealing. Last night was the perfect night to wear it for our night in alone though. I also made dessert!

I would argue that this was the best Valentine's to date. Nathan made a really yummy pumpkin pasta dish with garlic bread sticks. He set up the table & turned on some music. Later, we danced for a while & just talked. It was really special. Nathan also got me the most thoughtful gift ever & you can read about that here.

Gizzy in his "valentine" attire. 

I have had so much fun showing my hub love in different ways these past couple of weeks. Like I mentioned before, I don't plan on stopping today but continuing this in whatever ways I can all the days of our lives :)

 How did you love your husband this week? 

Link up with us and share the LOVE.
Follow your Hosts, and go find more ideas!

Teressa at Newborn Mama 

Jess at Jmnway

Don't forget to grab our button & hashtag #14daysofvalentines on Instagram & Twitter. 



  1. Gizzy is so cute!

    Pizza, Jesus, and a dog...this post has it all. :)

  2. This is such a cute idea, I love celebrating love.

  3. awwww what an adorable idea!!! LOVE the starbuck's cup "love note" --- it really is the little touches that mean so much! thanks for visiting me at The Lily Field :-) happy to meet you <3

  4. So much valentiney goodness here :) Is your pup a spaniel? We have a cocker spaniel/ cavalier king charles mix and she is a little bit nutso but we kind of love her a lot ;)


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