Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sweet Girl Bella

I love when I am able to visit my sister and my sweet nieces. Recently, as most of you know, I don't get a chance to visit them at home too much anymore because Bella has to be at the clinic or the hospital a lot.  When I do go see them, Bella is all smiles, as usual. Until her pokes. Then I have to walk out of the room with Gigi (Bella's little sister Gabbi) fearing I'll lose it and start crying since I hate to see her so upset. 

We'll play with her new toys or watch a movie while she just lays with mommy. Later I will walk Gigi to sleep. She usually fusses at me and I try to peer at her through the little window of the stroller, which causes her to get more mad because she see's me.  It's quite the ordeal, I tell ya :) As my sister would say, she's a monster. 


It's weird to think about how different our hang out times were before all this happened. We'd just hang out, play, eat, go shopping. 

It was all so normal. 

Bella can't do a whole lot of going out anymore. My poor sister is usually confined to the house if she isn't in the hospital. I remember when we'd go out and people would always stop us and tell us how pretty Bella was and we just smile and thank them, obviously agreeing. Even now, the nurses will come visit Bella's room to see her and see her little sister. They think they are just the cutest little girls ever, and so do, I mean look at them! :) 

I can't imagine what it would be like to have a child with cancer. To have a beautiful, perfectly healthy little girl and one day be told she has a life threatening disease. Nonetheless, my sister has done a great job. She quit her job to be with Bella every second possible. She brings her other little one everywhere she goes with Bella so they can all be together. She even refused to give up on breastfeeding Gabbi when Bella was first diagnosed because she wanted to make sure her other daughter was taken care of too. 

 Recently my sister and her husband decided it was time to shave Bella's head. I can't imagine how hard this would have been. Bella had beautiful, long brown hair. But when this round of chemo started, she started to lose it all. They had cut it into a bob earlier but now it was time to remove it completely. Bella was a trooper and my sister said it wasn't as bad as she thought. I am so glad! 

I just wanted to share with everyone how much this little girls means to me and our family. From the first time I held her, I fell in love with her. She is such a sweet, spunky little girl and even now, after all she has been through with cancer, she is so full of energy and love. She always says to her mommy "I love you so much mommy." It is the cutest thing ever.

We are so beyond thankful for the news that she is in fact in remission! However, it is still going to be a hard road for a little while and I would ask you all to please be praying for Bella and her family. God has done so much already and I know He will continue to answer prayers and strengthen Bella! He has been so faithful in all of this and continues to amaze me! He is so good to us!!

Here is Bella's Blog and Facebook page info! Please like her page and read about her journey! Childhood Cancer is still in desperate need of Awareness! 

DDB Hernandez

Bella's Love Heals A.L.L.

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  1. I can't imagine if one of my children had cancer! Bella is so cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Following you back!


  2. Oh friend, my heart aches for what this little one and you her sweet family has gone through, but so thankful to know she is in remission. I will be praying for her - I am headed to like her Facebook page so that I can be reminded.


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