Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our Weekend {And a lot of promises}

This weekend Nathan and I were so blessed with the opportunity to just hang out together. After a long school year, and an horribly long couple weeks at work, we had a weekend at a resort here.
It's funny how you just keep going, going, going without realizing how badly you need a break. Sunday morning we slept in until 9:30, which is incredible if you know us. Nathan usually wakes up between 4-6am and I am usually up by 7am. I don't think we have slept that late since before we were married. Crazy.

We did exactly what I said we would.. laid out in lounge chairs all day and held hands, made a Starbucks run at least once a day and at night we got cozy by the pool and talked for hours. About Jesus, our future, our past, our dreams, our plans, our marriage. You name it, we talked about it.
It truly was such a special time for us. I was definitely looking forward to some time alone, but never expected this weekend to turn out so peaceful. 

I am just reminded again and again of how much The Lord has in store for us, plans I can't see. Things I look forward to but don't even realize how awesome they will really be because I can only see with my tiny human eyes. I can never see the big picture and often deny Him glory for these wonderful things He has done in my life. I don't even acknowledge that these things I have, these people in my life, are from The Lord. I am fully aware though  that every good & perfect gift comes from The Lord and that I should sing praise to Him for this.

The night before we left and the next day, I was feeling incredibly anxious. I tried to get a hold of it but I was having a tough time. I went to The Lord in prayer and in His word, begging for some relief.
I went to my husband for assurance and prayer. I sent a text to my closest friends also asking for prayer. All of which helped me so much, I am beyond thankful for each of you.

Then as I sat down to type this I realized what was going on. The Lord had just blessed my husband and I with a weekend away.
To spend time with each other, to spend time strengthening our marriage. Loving each other and pouring into our family.
Of course what would come next but the lies of the enemy? How could I have expected anything less of him. After all he is the father of all lies.
And so he discouraged me, instilled fear in my heart and took sound reason from my mind.
he tried to ruin what had happened this weekend.
Ruin the stronger bond that was formed between my husband and I and try to make me forget the good things The Lord had just done for me. But I refuse to give in and let him do that.

Then, like a flood, the Lord reminded me of all these scriptures one after the other. Promises I had read and He was now reminding me of.
 For the word of God is quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword... Hebrews 4:12
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8
 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
 He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4


These words I will cling to. I will speak them to my heart silently and out loud.

 I refuse to be conquered when I have The Lord on my side. The Almighty fighting for me. I refuse to let the enemy take something The Lord meant for good and use it for evil. I will praise The Lord for what He has done in mine and my husbands relationship this weekend and move forward knowing that with The Lord we are able to do great things.
 And you know the cool thing? The best things even when I feel this way?
 Every single time this happens it's always because God has something big in mind for me.
 For us.
He has plans for us to further His kingdom and all the enemy is trying to do is stop us, but he can't, because my God is bigger. God will win every single time because He is who He says He is and He is my savior. My rock. My ever present help in time of need.

I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind, the God of angel armies is always by my side..
He protects me and prospers me. He has plan and a future for me full of hope in the midst of the hopefulness the enemy wants me to surrender to and I will not. I will only surrender to The Lord. My rescuer.

Oh, and how did we decide to end the weekend and begin a new week? Reading The power of a praying wife/husband together.
 God wins again. He always does and He always will.

 So please,  Be encouraged friends.
Having a rough time right now? Things hard or even feel unbearable? God will sustain you. You only need to be still and know that He is God. He is going to fight for you. And He has big plans in store for you. Don't let the enemy steal the joy that The Lord is waiting to bring to you!

*You should probably Google Chris Tomlin's song Whom shall I fear, God of angel armies..


  1. Thanks for sharing Jess! I feel the enemy at work now and gosh its hard! Glad you guys had this weekend!

  2. Oh I love this! I'm glad you guys had a good weekend! And those books are awesome!!! :)

  3. Ya'll are so cute! :) I'm so glad you had a good trip together! I've REALLY been wanting to get the power of a praying wife! This is just reminding me I need to stop procrastinating! lol


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