REAL Good things in life {FAB Friday}
With my crazy busy life lately I only have time to schedule posts.
Um, I am NOT a person who schedules posts. I just don't like it. I just like to sit down and write. I am usually too antsy to get it posted that scheduling it annoys me.
Nonetheless, it must happen.
So here, read my scheduled post.
Here are some REAL good things going on right now.
Saturday the hubs and I are leaving for a mini stay-ca at a hotel I scored on priceline.
We weren't able to do anything for our anniversary and we are both beyond excited. I cannot wait to be lying by a pool holding my flippin' cute hubby's hand eating cheddar popcorn. (it's what I do when I am on vacation)
School is officially out for the summer. This means many things to me. Mostly, we have so many awesome things coming up, including Jr. High Camp at Hume SD, The High School mission Trip in L.A. Skid Row, and finally some real vaca time with my love. Summers are also less stressful youth wise.. no tearing down or setting up the youth room we borrow, not as much prep and just a whole lot of fun and Bible teaching.
What also came with summer is whole bunch of my little college friends either graduated or are out for now. Which means more time with my sweet friends!
We finally had our first trios group Thursday night. You guys. This is something our church is doing to build stronger relationships and openness and grace with others. I knew I wanted this as soon as we began throwing around the idea and the night went better than I could have possibly imagined. I may have felt led to share my deepest darkest secrets and who cares, I am so glad I did. No, I am beyond glad. I know so much healing will come from the time I get to spend with these 2 special girls. For all of us. I am looking forward to more times of sharing and speaking truth. To have the chance to just be completely raw and open, knowing all they will return is grace and likewise, I to them. I am thanking the Lord for bringing us together, so alike in our stories, so unmistakeably brought together by a God who loves us all and wants us to grow with each other.
That my sweet, best friend is having a baby girl and man is she the cutest little prego. Loving this stage of our friendship and realizing that even though she moved, we're closer than ever. Looking forward to spoiling L and loving on that little monkey.
The Nehemiah, She Reads Truth plan right now is rocking my world. I am loving this story and Nehemiah's heartfelt attempt to honor God in everything he does regardless of anything else. Oh man.
Just life. Being at a place I haven't experienced a lot.. and that's just recognizing I have no control over certain things but God does and that's the BEST thing for me. Looking forward to whatever He has in store for me, fully trusting He knows better than I do what would bring Him (&me) joy.
Have the best weekend ever friends. Live purposefully and show love. I'll fail at this I'm sure, but it's OK, God will pick me right back up and use me some more. He's cool AWESOME like that.

Hey I found you through the Fab Friday group!! Is the Nehemiah study on SheReadsTruth good? I loved the Hosea study on there!!