Friday, November 8, 2013

FIVE Friday {weird} Facts

1// I make up songs to everything. and I mean everything. Sometimes it's a cool song.. sometimes.. not so cool.

2// Whenever I order a Burger at a restaurant, I ask for a side of pickles and ranch. I then proceed to dip them and eat them like I would chips & salsa. Wait.. I eat chips with ranch too.. not salsa..and pretty much on everything.. its actually really gross.. but also so delicious.

3// I have about 105+ nicknames for my dog.. Gizwald, waldo, gizzypie, wald face, buddy wald, the dog dog, etc... I also make up songs to him.. a lot... see above.

4//When I like a new song, I will listen to it on repeat for hours. H O U R S. It just never gets old.. until it gets old.

5// I  paint over my old toe nail polish with the same color because I don't want to change it. Maybe that makes me lazy.. not weird?

Happy, H A P P Y Friday Friends!

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