Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our gender reveal party

I'll just start by saying we had such a great time at our gender reveal party. We love having people over & for the first time in months I finally felt good enough to plan a party! Even more so, I actually enjoyed planning it since I was feeling much better! Pregnancy is weird like that.. Makes you never wanna do things you used to love. . Like go shopping. I was having major withdraws but didn't care because I didn't want to move from my spot on the couch ;)

I loved searching online for the perfect candies & pink and blue decor to put around. The cotton candy laffy taffys were a huge hit because they were so darn tasty.  We found our adorable invites & banners here. How cute are they? We were looking for something unique and it was pretty hard to find things I hadn't seen used before. 

For the banners I strung our ultrasound pictures and the 'Buck or Doe' banners up on some hemp string and mini clothes pins I found at Hobby lobby.

I borrowed a sweet friends chalkboards and went to town decorating them with old wives tales, boy or girl guesses, & a game we came up with for people to guess her name. 
We wrote the letters of the name (we had both boy and girl names on the board) and then marked next to it how many of each letter was in the name.

My favorite part were the poppers. This actually took a lot of planning and preparation. Thank goodness for my amazing husband and mom!! 
About 3 weeks before the party we decided we for sure wanted to use poppers as the reveal. We went back and forth on a couple ideas of just having one and playing a musical chairs sort of game but we really wanted to give one to everyone to share in the special moment. Finally I found these after a ton of google searches. We of course had to cover them up and decorate them (which I will show you in another post!) and fill with confetti. I had seen this done before but always with the cardboard ones which seemed difficult to decorate & open without ruining because they come pre-filled. 
When it came time we headed to the backyard and handed everyone a popper. Nathan gave brief instructions on how it would work. We then we counted down from 3 and then pink flew everywhere. It was so fun! Of course Nathan & I already knew so it was so fun to watch other people's reactions. A lot more people thought we were having a boy so my favorite was watching the video later and seeing everyone's expressions. The party was so much fun and I am so glad we did it! Below are all the pictures & things we did to make the party "ours." :)


  1. Awww this looks so fun! And good to know about the DIY popppers. Congrats on your baby girl!

  2. it all looks great. Loved your toes too :D looks like it was a success.

  3. awww so lovely!!!! SOunds like an awesome way to find out :)

  4. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I am also planning something similar for my friend (It’s her baby shower) in one of the venue NYC has that are just perfect for occasions like these. We are doing a “Brave” animated theme for her baby girl.


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